This term, we will be learning about the famous engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We will learn about his life, his inventions and why he is known so well in the local area. We will be taking a trip into Bristol to visit the SS Great Britain, where we will learn more about the engineer and take a close look at one of his most famous inventions. We will also take part in a fabulous workshop and go back in time to the Victorian era, when he lived.
In writing, we will be using our sounds to help us write simple sentences about Brunel and begin to use punctuation in order to write these. We will begin to learn about adjectives, describing Brunel and some of his famous inventions.
In maths Year 1 will be looking at numbers to 10, finding one more and one less than a number and adding and subtracting within 10 and Year 2 will be working with numbers to 100.
Our PE days this term will be on a MONDAY and a THURSDAY. We are lucky enough to have qualified sports coaches coming into school to teach us these sessions. On Monday, we will be taking part in cricket sessions and on Thursdays, Up and Under will be teaching us gymnastics skills. Please ensure children come to school dressed in PE kit on these days and have appropriate footwear.
In our topic this term, we will be learning about The Great Fire of London, discovering what happened, why it happened and what life was like in London during this time. We will place the fire on a timeline, learn about what happened after the fire and how life has changed since this significant historical event. We will find out who Samuel Pepys was and why he was such an important person. In English, we will be writing diary entries based on the Great Fire, and will also write and perform our own poems. In Design Technology, the children will design and make their own Tudor houses using cardboard boxes.
Our PE days this term will be on a TUESDAY (athletics) and a THURSDAY (striking and fielding with Mr Peters). Please ensure your child wears PE kit on these days, is wearing suitable trainers for outdoors and also has a water bottle in school.
This term, our topic is Science and we will be learning about what all living creature, including humans, need to survive. The children will learn how animals have adapted to suit their habitat and understand the basic needs of all living things. Our study will also teach us about food chains and how creatures are interlinked and reliant on each other. At the end of term, we will enjoy a trip to the Wiltshire Wildlife park and see all the animals there and the habitats in which they live. In our writing lessons, the chidlren will be working towards writing a fact file about an animal of their choice. They will think how best to present this information and consider what heading and sub-headings they might use.
PE is on a Tuesday and a Thursday, this term. Please make sure your child wears PE kit to school on these days and wears appropriate footwear.
This term, we are studying a Geography topic and will be learning all about which continent we live in, which country, which county and which town. We will learn about the differing landscapes in our country, including coastal, mountains, cities and villages. We will undertake some fieldwork and find out what geographical physical and human features are and spot these in our school grounds and in Corsham. Towards the end of term, we will learn a little of the history of Corsham, including Corsham Court which has be the home of royalty and also served as a hospital for injured soldiers during World War II. In our writing lessons we will be working towards writing our own leaflets all about Corsham and will publish these for others to enjoy.
PE will remain on a Monday and a Thursday, this term. Please make sure your child wears PE kit to school on these days and wears appropriate footwear.
This term our topic is all about the arts during the 1940s. We will be focusing on the film ‘The Wizard of Oz’, learning the songs, looking at the costumes and the set design and learning about some of the people who worked and starred in the film. In Design Technology, we will be working on a whole-class textiles project, creating an apron for the character of Dorothy by sewing and embellishing material. In our writing lessons, we will be working towards writing our own simplified version of the story of The Wizard of Oz, focusing on using correct punctuation, adjectives and conjunctions (and, but, so, because). We will also be learning about the artist Pablo Picasso, studying some of his famous paintings and having a go at creating our own Picasso-inspired artwork.
PE will remain on a Monday and a Thursday, this term. Please make sure your child wears PE kit to school on these days and wears appropriate footwear.
In writing, we will be focusing on story writing, using the story of The Lighthouse Keeper’s Lunch as our text. In Year 1, the children will be writing simple sentences, ensuring they are using full stops and capital letters to punctuate. They will also be learning to use adjectives to describe and using ‘and’ to join words and sentences. In Year 2, the children will be extending their sentences using and, but, so and because, and will learn how to use expanded noun phrases to add detail.
This term, PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Please make sure your child wears PE kit to school on these days and wears appropriate footwear.
As the weather gets colder, please ensure your child has a named jumper and coat in school.
Please try to read at least four times a week with your child at home and write your initial on the reading sheet to show that they have read. Thank you for your support with this.
If your child is in year 2, we will be practicing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is something they can also practice at home and will help their preparation for learning their times tables later in the year.
This term, our topic is all about homes in the past and comparing them to our homes today. We will be looking at how houses have changed over the years. We will use our historical inquiry skills to look at artefacts from the past and decide what they are and how they were used. We will explore houses in the local area and see how different people live today. During this topic, we will also be looking at what has changed in children’s own lives and placing events on a timeline.
PE will be on Monday (cricket) and Thursdays (Up and Under). Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for PE on these days and is wearing trainers.
If the weather is sunny, please ensure sun cream is applied before the school day (that will last all day) and that your child has a hat in school. We would encourage children to bring in a water bottle every day.
During the first week of term, your child will be given a reading folder which will be expected in school every day. If your child takes part in daily Read Write Inc lessons, then they will be given a phonic reading book to read every day at home. All children will be given an Oxford Reading Tree book and a library book to share with you at home. Please try to read at least four times a week with your child at home and write your initial on the reading sheet to show that they have read. Thank you for your support with this.
If your child is in year 2, we will be practicing counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is something they can also practice at home and will help their preparation for learning their times tables later in the year.
This term, our topic is all about plants, trees and animals. We will be carrying out an investigation to find out what plants need in order to grow and will learn the names of different plants and trees. We will learn the names for the different parts of a plant and label them on a diagram. Within the topic, we will also find out why plants and animals can be found in different habitats and will learn the differences between living and non-living things, as well as things that have never been alive.
We are also excited about our trip to Middlewick House later in the term, where we will be taking part in lots of lovely activities and exploring the grounds.
Please continue to read regularly with your child at home.
We also encourage children to practise their 2x, 5x, 10x and 3x tables at home, as well as practising their weekly spellings, if they have them.
PE will continue to be on Tuesdays (Team Games) and Thursdays (Athletics with Up and Under). Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for PE on these days and is wearing trainers.
As the weather continues to improve, please ensure sun cream is applied before the school day (that will last all day) and that your child has a water bottle and hat in school.
This term, our learning will focus on developing our Geography skills and we study, use and make maps. We will undertake a study of the local area and this will include a walk around Corsham to identify it’s physical and human geographical features. Later in the term, we will be developing our Design and Technology skills and learn how to use equipment to prepare and cook food.
Please continue to read regularly at home, ideally at least four times a week.
We are continuing to learn and revise our 2X, 5X and 10X tables (and their related facts) and there are many great online apps to help with this. A good one on “Topmarks” is called “Hit the button”. The children use this at school so they will be used to how it works.
Geography and DT | What are maps and how do we use them? |
1.What are the different compass points? 2.Why does a map need a key? 3.Why does a map use grid references? 4.What locational language can you use to describe the position of a feature on a map? 5.Can you make a treasure map and add a key? 6.Can you write a set of instructions for a recipe? 7.Can you follow a set of instructions for a recipe? 8.What do we use to cut/peel/grate ingredients safely and hygienically? 9.How do we weigh or measure ingredients? 10.What do we use to cook our food? | |
This term, P.E. will be on a Tuesday and a Thursday. Please come into school dressed for P.E. on these days.
This term, our learning will focus on developing our Geography knowledge and skills. We will be learning all about life in Kenya, including it’s climate and where it is in the world. We will compare life there to our own in the United Kingdom and learn about the geographical and physical features of these countries. We will also look at Antarctica, comparing the coldest parts of the world to the hottest.
Please continue to read regularly at home.
We are also learning our 2x, 5x and 10x tables this term (and the related division facts), so extra practise at home would be fabulous!
PE days will revert to being on a Monday (indoor) and a Friday (outdoor). Please come into school dressed in PE kit on these days.
Spring 1
This term, our learning will focus on developing our art and design skills. We will be learning all about Vincent Van Gogh and will study his art style and try to create art inspired by his art, developing our artistic skills in the process. Our WOW day will happen in the first week when the children will have a chance to experiment with a variety of different media for different effects.
Our P.E. days change this term and will now be on a MONDAY and a WEDNESDAY. You will need to come to school dressed for PE on both those days. We are lucky that Bath Rugby will be teaching the class rugby on a Wednesday and on Monday, they will enjoy gym sessions in the hall. Rugby will take place outside so please make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear.
Please continue to keep reading as regularly as you can at home, over the term, aiming for at least five times a week. Every day would be even better!
This term, our learning will be based around our Science topic and we will learn about all the different materials around us . We will investigate what materials different objects are made from and what their properties are. The term will culminate with our WOW day when the children will design and create an object using materials suitable for the purpose.
Our PE days for Autumn term 2 will be MONDAY and THURSDAY. You will need to come to school dressed for PE on both those days. Up and Under will be teaching the children on Thursdays and these sessions are usually outside so please make sure your child is wearing appropriate footwear.
Please continue to keep reading as regularly as you can at home, over the term, aiming for at least five times a week. Every day would be even better!