Learn 4 Life (PSHE)

PSHE (Personal, Social and Health Education) encompasses all areas designed to promote children’s personal, social and health development. It gives children the knowledge, skills and understanding that they need to stay healthy and safe, develop worthwhile relationships, respect differences, develop independence and responsibility, and make the most of their own abilities and those of others.

How we communicate using appropriate vocabulary:

We use the Wiltshire Learn4Life scheme along side other reources from the PSHE Association these provide the children with a wide range of activities and resources to support their learning. These materials alongside Circle time and PSHE assemblies support their emotional literacy and give children opportunities to express themselves in a nurturing context where they develop the vocabulary they need to express their feelings and experiences.Our PSHE Curriculum is taught to children from Year 1-6 and builds upon their learning at Foundation Stage 2. 

About Corsham and the local area

Learn4Life was written by Wiltshire teachers for Wiltshire teachers and Wiltshire pupils. This ensures that the needs of our children are met both for the locality they live in and more globally. Teachers also endeavour to give a local context to the learning by, for example collaborating with teachers from the Corsham School, the local PCSO and other community groups and individuals.

 We believe these links to our local community enable our children to feel connected and to be taught by members of the community in which they live.

Through experience inside and beyond the classroom

PSHE helps children to develop self-awareness, motivation, social skills and
managing their feelings. These skills will help our children to become better learners, get on better with other people and be responsible citizens. They are part of every area of life.

Through discussion, roleplay, debate and group activities and cluster events,  we give children skills for life. We want our children to develop self-awareness, positive self-esteem and confidence, enabling them to:

  • stay as healthy as possible
  • Keep themselves and others safe
  • have worthwhile and fulfilling relationships
  • respect the differences between people
  • develop independence and responsibility
  • play an active role as members of a democratic society
  • make the most of their own abilities and those of others
  • behave in a socially and morally acceptable way including towards
    authority and each other
  • to become involved in the life of their community
  • to know about democracy and how to be an active citizens
  • to know about economic wellbeing.
  • We want our children to:
  • value the achievements they make, and the achievements of others
  • make informed choices about dealing with risks and meeting
    challenges now and in the future.

New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age

Through regular staff training, both in-house and as part of teachers professional development, we are able to be confident that our pupils are given the most up-to-date and relevant resources and teaching. Our strong links with the Wiltshire PSHE advisor, the PSHE lead at The Corsham School and having our PSHE Lead also being responsible for Mental Health and Deputy Dedicated Safeguarding Lead ensures our teaching and learning is appropriate to the age of the children and in touch with their ever changing needs.

Our PSHE curriculum promotes spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and prepares all pupils for the opportunities and responsibilities within their lives at a level which matches their maturity.

How to keep themselves safe

Through regular teaching around the themes of online safety, cyber-bullying, dangers inside and outside the home, we give the children clear and engaging  lessons which are designed to make them aware of the dangers that they may face both out and about in the world and online. To raise the profile
of such an important part of our curriculum we hold regular themed weeks and days particularly around the topics of bullying and online safety. Whole school assemblies also reinforce these messages and provide stimulus for class discussion.

Across the school, children have access to many avenues of communication with staff which are help to keep them safe and remind them that we are a telling school and are always ready to listen. Amongst them are, Worry Monsters, I want to talk to you cards, CSE lessons, Circle times and Time To Talk Sessions/

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We use Mindfulness to support our children’s learning and well being. We have staff who have  completed a Mindfulness Based Living Course and who apply what we have learnt to the school setting.  Staff use mindfulness techniques to transition between learning and playtimes or as a focusing exercise in the classroom.


We are proud of nurturing and warm environment. We recognise that relationships are the foundation of good mental health and are recognised as a school which has created a strong sense of belonging.

Sarah Harris

Corsham Regis Primary Learn4Life (PSHE) and Senior Mental Health Lead

Circle Time

Circle Times are part of every Learn4Life lesson and are used to improve our understanding of each others emotions.

They are a favourite activity at Corsham Regis. children say:

  • ” You get to say what you think about your life and people listen.”
  • ” I like Circle Time because you don’t have to stick with one person’s ideas, you all get to share what you are feeling and you get to say your point of view.”
  • ” I like it because you get to know what other people are thinking not just your own ideas. So if they are sad you get to know and can cheer them up.”