For the academic year 2023-2024 we are working from Year A
Year B of the two-year planner will be updated in July 2024 for the following academic year.
Our curriculum is designed to follow the National Curriculum and follows a 2 year rolling programme (curriculum planner) of essential skills and knowledge mapped out across the year groups to ensure progression.
Across our curriculum topics, it is our intent for our pupils to learn:
How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary
About Corsham and their local area
Through experiences inside and beyond the classroom
New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age
How to keep themselves safe
These 5 intentions underpin our curriculum because we want our pupils to have a love of learning which they can share, a sense of understanding and pride of where they live, and be safe in different situations.
Our curriculum may alter according to national or local events that may relate to the children e.g. Olympics, VE celebrations, Literacy festivals etc.
Our curriculum is progressive. Pupils build upon skills and knowledge each year so over the course of their school life, they will develop and revisit skills. This will ensure that knowledge and skills are embedded.
In the foundation subjects, each term the children will have a big question to try and answer; this will be the intent of the teaching and enable cross curricular learning. The big question is broken down into 5 smaller questions that are answered throughout each term. We call these our curriculum maps and these along with our termly overviews can be found on the class webpages.
Knowledge organisers are used throughout the school and focus on the knowledge being taught along with the vocabulary and skills that we want the children to learn. These are found in the front of children’s topic books, on class webpages and referred to throughout the sequence of learning
The children’s retention of knowledge is monitored and developed through weekly Topic Talk Time in class where the children discuss prior learning and have an opportunity to develop and extend their knowledge and understanding further through careful questioning and repetition. Evidence of these sessions is recorded in floor books.
In the foundation subjects, the knowledge and understanding to be gained from the National Curriculum are referred to as Essential Milestones. This is what we intend for our pupils to know and be able to do, at different stages of their education and by the time they leave Corsham Regis:
We assess against these milestones, which can be found on subject webpages, and record those children who are working below and above expectations during and at the end of every half term. These are monitored by subject leaders and moderation takes place for all subjects in the first staff meeting of each half term.
As well as academic knowledge, we value and celebrate the characteristics of excellent learners. To achieve this we learn from the LORIC characters below whom we have discovered from our investment in PiXL (Partners in Excellence) . These skills are celebrated through our whole school reward system. LORIC stickers are awarded for each of the different skills and stickers placed on class charts. When children receive 10 stickers for one of the skills they are awarded with a button badge of that colour to wear. Each class teacher selects a child to be a LORIC champion each week, they are awarded with a lanyard to wear the following week and given a certificate to take home. The awards are presented in a whole school celebration assembly.
Dates for diaries are sent out to parents and carers at the end of every half term, ready for the term ahead. Profound learning includes, themed Wow Days, special visitors to school and trips.
To find out more about our curriculum please contact our office and ask to meet with a member of the Senior Leadership Team: Mrs Abby Symons, Mrs Ceri Stone or Mrs Abi Doe
Telephone: 01249 712294