This term. we will be learning all about countries and oceans around the world and what life looks like there.
We will learn about Kenya, linking to our story ‘Lila and the Secret of Rain’ and comparing it to Antarctica. In writing, we will write an alternative version of the story, focusing on setting description using expanded noun phrases and conjunctions. We will then go on to writing a Non-Chronological report about penguins, carrying out our own research along the way.
Children in Year 2 will continue their learning of the recorder this term. They are doing so well! We are looking forward to being able to perform to parents soon…
This term, PE will take place on a WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. On a Wednesday, the children will take part in Healthy Heroes sessions. Healthy Heroes is a health and well-being programme designed to educate children with the knowledge they need to lead healthy, positive and active lifestyles. It takes the form of two hours of curriculum delivery every week for a term, one hour being classroom based and the other, a practical PE lesson.
On a Thursday, we will have Up and Under leading our PE sessions.
Children should come to school dressed in school PE kit and appropriate clothing for the weather. Please also ensure your child has a water bottle in school every day.
As always, please remember to read your child’s reading book or sharing book with them every day. Additional to this, here are some fun activities which children are welcome to do at home, if they wish. Please remember to bring these in to show me. You may be chosen to share your homework in our Friday Celebration Assembly!
This term we will be learning about the famous Japanese artist Yayoi Kusama. We will take inspiration from her bold, colourful art installations, prints, sculptures and paintings and produce our own wonderful pieces, with the help of the very talented Mrs Gilkes. We will take the opportunity to learn about Japan, locating it on a map, finding out about Japanese culture and what it looks like.
In English, we will be listening to the Japanese story ‘The Sound of Silence’ , which is set in Tokyo. We will then write our own stories set in Japan, and write fact files about the country.
Our WOW day at the end of term will be filled with all things Japanese, from food tasting to learning how to write some letters and words!
In Music, the Year 2 children will begin learning the recorder with Mrs Wicheard. We hope to be able to perform to the grown ups later in the year. Watch this space…!
PE will remain on a Monday and a Thursday this term.
Please ensure your child comes wearing their school PE kit on these days and that they have the appropriate amount of clothing, as some sessions may be outside. Please also ensure that your child has a water bottle and coat in school every day.
As always, please remember to read your child’s reading book or sharing book with them every day. Additional to this, here are some fun activities which children are welcome to do at home, if they wish. Please remember to bring these in to show me. You may be chosen to share your homework in our Friday Celebration Assembly!
This term, we will be learning about the parts of the body and about the five senses. We will be carrying out lots of investigative work in our Science lessons, learning about how our body works and which sense is linked to which body part.
In PSHE, we will be learning how to keep our bodies healthy and what makes a balanced diet.
In our writing, we will be writing the story of The Very Hungry Caterpillar and writing our own set of instructions for making a healthy smoothie. Throughout the term, we will be reading lots of different books about our bodies, the five senses and staying healthy.
Our PE days this term will continue to be on a MONDAY and a THURSDAY. Please ensure children come to school dressed in PE kit on these days and have appropriate footwear.
This term, we will be learning about the famous engineer, Isambard Kingdom Brunel. We will learn about his life, his inventions and why he is known so well in the local area. We will be taking a trip into Bristol to visit the SS Great Britain, where we will learn more about the engineer and take a close look at one of his most famous inventions. We will also take part in a fabulous workshop and go back in time to the Victorian era, when he lived.
In writing, we will be using our sounds to help us write simple sentences about Brunel and begin to use punctuation in order to write these. We will begin to learn about adjectives, describing Brunel and some of his famous inventions.
In maths Year 1 will be looking at numbers to 10, finding one more and one less than a number and adding and subtracting within 10 and Year 2 will be working with numbers to 100.
Our PE days this term will be on a MONDAY and a THURSDAY. We are lucky enough to have qualified sports coaches coming into school to teach us these sessions. On Monday, we will be taking part in cricket sessions and on Thursdays, Up and Under will be teaching us gymnastics skills. Please ensure children come to school dressed in PE kit on these days and have appropriate footwear.