Parent Information

Summer term 6

What parents do is more important than who parents are:

At Corsham Regis all the staff place a very high emphasis on successfully engaging with parents and the wider community. We recognise that good communication is much more than simply exchanging information. It is through effective and interactive communication that understanding is developed and shared, and trust is built. Good communication promotes partnership.

Please explore the links below which have been added specifically to help you learn more about Corsham Regis and what you can do to support the early development of your children.

Term Dates 2023/2024– see Calendar in the drop down list

School lunch menu

Chartwells are our new caterers. Please refer to their menu when considering meal choices.

The Giving Machine

Help us raise free donations for Corsham Regis Primary Academy whenever you shop online with The Giving Machine. Whether you are booking a holiday, doing your weekly grocery shop or searching for that perfect gift, by using The Giving Machine you will generate cash donations for the school without it costing you a penny. There are thousands of popular retailers using the scheme, from Amazon and eBay to Sainsbury’s and John Lewis – and several holiday companies too.

Register today – and to ensure you don’t miss an opportunity to raise free £££ you can download the handy Shop&Give reminder. Here’s the link to our fundraising page where you can sign up and start giving for free

Is your child starting school with us in September 2024?

Parent information

How to support your child with reading

What should I do if my child is unwell?

What is the policy for pupils with medical needs?

It is important that you tell us about any medical needs your child has when they start with us and that these are recorded on the admission form. If a medical condition is diagnosed when your child is already on roll, please tell us immediately. For further details and an application for us to administer medicines during the school day, please refer to the documents below.

School Nurse information

Absence and holiday requests

Good attendance is important. Our target is for all pupils to achieve an attendance rate of at least 96%. For further information, or if you are considering taking a holiday during term time, please refer to the documents below which outline the procedure and consequences of unauthorised absence. Also, you may want to follow the link for Wiltshire guidance:

What our parents and carers say about us.

The Corsham Regis Local Governing Body annually survey parents and carers about their views on Corsham Regis and how it provides for our young pupils. Here is the analysis of results from the March 2023 survey

What to do in the event of severe weather

In the event of severe weather (eg heavy snow), the  academy will make the decision to close when it is apparent that more than  3 teachers and more than  3 teaching assistants will be unable to travel safely to the school.  Consideration for closure will also be given to the safety of children making the trip to school in severe weather conditions. 

As soon as I have made the decision to close or amend opening arrangements for the school day, I will complete the following actions:

1. Post a notice on the Corsham Regis website

2. Post a notice on Seesaw

3. Post a notification on our Facebook page

4. Inform local radio stations

I will endeavour to update messages on a regular basis and keep you fully informed of developments.

Mrs Abby Symons


Pre-school and secondary school

We have links with the following local preschools and nurseries and are able to put you in touch with the organisers.

South Hills Nursery

Corsham Regis School, Kings Avenue Corsham Wiltshire SN13 0EG

Telephone: 01249 714786

Mansion House Preschool Playgroup 

St Patrick’s School, The Bungalow, Lacock Road, Corsham SN13 9HS 

Telephone: 01249 712569 

Transfer to Secondary School

Corsham Regis Primary Academy is in the catchment area for The Corsham School ( and many of our children transfer to this school. Some parents choose to transfer their children to secondary schools in Chippenham or Bath.

Towards the end of their primary schooling, children have increased contact with secondary schools and during Year 6 children and parents have opportunities to visit their new school and meet key members of staff.


Our inclusion vision is for every pupil in our academy to achieve the most successful individual outcomes, educationally, socially, in their personal life, and within their local community, and for their unique needs to be recognised and met as early as possible.  Our Accessibility Plan intends to achieve this vision by empowering these children and young people to achieve all that they can.

Agencies and services to support parents and carers in vulnerable situations

  • Mermaids Does your child question their birth gender? Would you like some help with this? Mermaids can offer you the support you need.

National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000 247

Men’s Advice Line (for male victims of domestic abuse) 0808 801 0327