COVID 19 arrangements

Risk Assessments

Remote Educations for self-isolating pupils

If your child is unwell they need to rest and recover. Once they are fully recovered but still needing to isolate,
please use the Oak Academy website          
Then click on schedule. Individual days’ work or a block of work covering English Maths and foundation subjects should be completed. Teachers will be contactable via Seesaw and through the office; however, understandably, they will not be able to provide immediate communication as they will be teaching their own classes in school.

Full class/bubble closure

Daily plans containing teaching and learning activities will be shared with all pupils and their families through Seesaw and the website. These will be available by 8.30 am daily.

Planning will, as far as possible, match what would be/ is being taught in school and will follow our school curriculum Planning will be adapted  in response to pupil feedback

How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?

EYFS Key Stage 1: 3 hours

Key Stage 2: 4 hours

Accessing remote education

How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?

Work is posted on Seesaw and on our school Website

If my child does not have digital or online access at home, how will you support them to access remote education?

We have completed a parent survey to establish our families access to remote education through IT equipment and where possible, will provide digital devices for the most in need  families and will prioritise families in the following ways:

• Families with no laptop, iPad, PlayStation or Xbox;

• Multiple Siblings who are currently sharing a device;

• Free School Meal eligible children for all year groups

• Children with Special Educational Needs and/or EHC plans.

• If you are experiencing difficulty accessing remote learning due to poor WiFi or data allowance we may be able to help, please contact the school via Seesaw, email or by telephoning the main office on: 01249 712294

• All pupils can access paper resources, if this is something that you need please email the school office on [email protected] or contact your class teacher via Seesaw.

• If pupils do not have online access, work can be bought into school and the class teachers will provide feedback through a phone call or face to face, as soon as they are able.

How will my child be taught remotely?

Some examples of remote teaching approaches:

• Recorded teaching e.g. video/audio recordings made by teachers, Oak National Academy lessons, White Rose videos,

• A hard copy of plans and resources, to meet the needs of each child, where necessary, and where Seesaw and the school website cannot be easily accessed at home.

• Text books available for all pupils from the school office

•Commercially available resources including: BBC bitesize, Read Write Inc (RWI) videos/worksheets alongside weekly spelling via Twinkl and PiXL, times tables through Mathletics, PiXL Apps and reading comprehension.

Engagement and feedback

What are your expectations for my child’s engagement and the support that we as parents and carers should provide at home?

Pupils will…

• be assured that their well-being is at the forefront of our minds – they should take regular breaks, get fresh air, exercise, and maintain a reasonable balance between online engagement and offline activities,

• undertake any tasks prepared for home learning,
•only access the material shared by their teacher and will ask for parental permission to use technology for anything beyond this,
•read daily, either independently or with an adult,

•complete daily spellings,

• consider learning a new skill, follow their own interests to discover more about the world around them or be creative (should an extended period of remote learning be required).

Parents will…

• support their child’s learning to the best of their ability,
• ensure their child completes all home assignments and submit them to the class teacher,
• know they can continue to contact their child’s class teacher as normal through the Seesaw App or by contacting the school office, if they require support of any kind,
• be mindful of the mental well-being of both themselves and their child,

• encouraging their child to take regular breaks, play games, get fresh air and relax when working at home,
• be mindful of safer internet use and monitor their child’s internet use appropriately,

•Not screenshot or copy any information, messages or posts to share on social media or any other platform outside of Seesaw.

How will you check whether my child is engaging with their work and how will I be informed if there are concerns?

• Teachers will check Seesaw daily.
• If a child does not engage, and we have not heard from a child’s family during the course of a week, the class teacher will telephone the family.

•If there is persistent non- engagement then a member of the Senior Leadership Team will be informed and action taken to resolve the issue. And provide further support.

How will you assess my child’s work and progress?

Feedback can take many forms and may include:

• whole-class feedback
• Teachers/ TAs will provide individual feedback in response to work within a 24-hour period.

Additional support for pupils with particular needs

How will you work with me to help my child who needs additional support from adults at home to access remote education?

We recognise that some pupils, for example some pupils with special educational needs and disabilities (SEND), may not be able to access remote education without support from adults at home. We acknowledge the difficulties this may place on families, and we will work with parents and carers to support those pupils in the following ways:

• We will provide work packs of planning and resources, where necessary.

• If a child is vulnerable, the Acting Headteacher Abby Symons will phone families weekly, if the child/children are not attending school.

• If a child is on the SEND register, the SENCo Gemma Morris will phone families weekly. If you need further support Gemma Morris can be contacted via email: [email protected]

•Children on the SEND register are offered 1:1 sessions with a Teaching Assistant via TEAMs to read and address targets on their IEPs at least twice a week.

•Some children, who would benefit from additional reading, will be invited to read 1:1 with a Teaching Assistant via TEAMs at least twice a week.

• Children in FS2 and Year 1 are provided with daily phonics videos from the class teacher and practical activities.


Whilst your son/ daughter are learning from home, our safeguarding team are here as ever for you to get in contact/report anything that may be of concern.

Safeguarding Lead- Acting Headteacher Abby Symons

[email protected]

Deputy safeguarding Lead- Gemma Morris

[email protected]

The number for Childline is visible on all our daily plans 0800 1111.

Assemblies are delivered to children to remind them about the Childline service that is available should a child need to talk about their worries or concerns.

Mental Health and Wellbeing

Looking after your mental Health

Further guidance

For further Government guidance on remote Learning follow the link below

Parental Feedback

Amethyst-Year 6 work on how we keep safe in school…