Welcome back to Term 4; we have a very busy and exciting few weeks ahead of us.
This term, our topic has a Geography focus; we will find out about the countries that make up Great Britain and the United Kingdom and explore their cities and counties. We will also find out about key physical geographical features and the link between this and human geography. We will also focus on where we are in the UK, local landmarks and what Corsham has to offer as a town.
Happy New Year and welcome back to school
This term we are going to be focussing on Art and Music. We will be finding out about an artist called Sonia Delaunay, exploring what inspired her work and also working out how we can use her ideas to create our own paintings. We will be looking at Sonia’s use of colour and also how she used her ideas for fashion and designing fabrics too. In Music we will use our voices to compose and perform music and we will be using digital technology to compose music online.
Welcome back to Term 2; this is always a busy and very exciting term with plenty of new learning to explore.
This term, our Science topic is all about light and sound and we will be, focusing on the question: How do we see and hear? We will be learning all about sources of light, how light travels and experimenting with shadow size as well as exploring pitch and volume. We will also find out how to set up a scientific investigation and how to evaluate the results.