
Summer Term 6

What did the Romans leave behind in Bath?

In Mason Class this term, we will be learning about the Romans and what they left behind in Bath. We will learn about when the Romans came to Bath, how they lived and changes they made to the city. In our writing, we will be focusing on the Roman myth ‘Romulus and Remus’ and will re-tell our own versions, with a twist!

This term, PE will be on Mondays and Thursdays. Children will need to come to school in their PE kits, and will need to be dressed appropriately for the weather. Please ensure your child has sun cream and a hat on hot days.

Knowledge Organiser

Summer Term 1

Our topic this term is…

How does electricity work?

I hope you had a wonderful Easter holiday and welcome back. This term, our Topic is all about Electricity and we will be exploring how to make a circuit, make a bulb light up and design and make a product using a circuit.

You will need to wear your PE kit on Tuesday and Thursday.

Please remember to read at home, practise your tables and learn any new spellings. New spellings are handed out on Friday.

Please bring Reading Records in on Monday.

Knowledge Organiser

Spring Term 2

Our topic this term is…

Who and what has influenced the landscape around Corsham?

I hope you had a wonderful break and welcome back to a brand new and exciting term.

This term, we are going to be focussing on History and Geography linked to our local area. We will be finding out about how the town of Corsham was established with a particular focus on Corsham Court and the landscape created by Capability Brown. 

Some of the questions we will be exploring are…

Knowledge Organiser

Spring Term 1

Our topic this term is…

What were The Arts like in the 1920s?

Happy New Year and welcome back. I hope you had a wonderful Christmas too.

This term we are going to be focussing on History and DT.  We will learn all about the fashion, music and dances of the era and also find out how to design and embellish a flapper dress. We will also be exploring how Art Deco influenced architecture, homes and pottery.

You will need to wear your PE kit on Wednesdays for Rugby and on Thursday for Up and Under.

Please remember to read at home, practise your tables and learn any new spellings.

Reading records in on Fridays please.

Some of the questions we will be exploring are…

Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Term 2

Our topic this term is…

What am I?

Welcome back and I hope you had a lovely half term holiday

This term we are going to be focussing on Science; we will learn all about rocks and how fossils are formed, finding out about the water cycle and states of matter. In addition to this we will be asking lots of scientific questions and conduction investigations to find the answers.

You will need to wear your PE kit on Wednesdays and on Thursday for Up and Under.

Please remember to read at home, practise your tables and learn any new spellings.

Reading records in on Fridays please.

Some of the questions we will be exploring are…

Knowledge Organiser

Autumn Term 1

Our topic this term is…

What changed in Britain from the Stone Age to the Iron Age?

Welcome back

Welcome back and I hope you had a relaxing and wonderful summer holiday.

This term, our very exciting topic is all about The Stone Ages; we will also explore what happened afterwards and how and why the Bronze and Iron Ages were so significant and how they differed to The Stone Ages. We will be finding out about archaeologists and how they use evidence to explain the past. In addition to this, we will be practising our sketching skills and exploring out how to create light, shadow, tone and texture.

Some of the questions we will be exploring are:

Knowledge organisers