LJ Turner

Summer Term 6

Who were the Mayans?

Welcome back to Summer Term 6

This term, our topic is


Focusing on the question:

Who were the Mayans?

During this topic we will be looking at when the Mayan civilization was and what else was happening in the world during that time. As well as finding out how diverse the Mayan society was.

Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning how to write flashbacks within Fables.

PE will be on Tuesdays and Fridays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Please remember to read at home, practice times tables and learn your lines from the script.

Summer Term 5

What does electricity need to work?

Welcome back to Summer Term 5

This term, our topic is


Focusing on the question:

What does electricity need to work?

During this topic we will be looking at the symbols to represent a simple circuit in a diagram. How to construct a simple series electrical circuit that uses a switch, bulb and buzzer. To be able to identify and explore the properties of good common conductors and insulators. How to associate the brightness of a lamp or the volume of a buzzer with the number and voltage of cells used in a circuit and finally be able to compare and give reasons for variations on how components function.

Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning how to write a play-script.

PE will be on Thursdays and Fridays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Please remember to read at home, practice times tables and complete your weekly CGP tasks.

Spring Term 4

What events have shaped Corsham’s history since 1066 until now?

Welcome back to Spring Term 4

This term, our topic is

Local history and geography

Focusing on the question:

What events have shaped Corsham’s history since 1066?

During this topic we will be looking at what life was like in Corsham at different periods of time and how it has changed through time. As well as discovering the importance of using more than one source of evidence to find out about the past.

Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning how to write a diary.

PE will be on Tuesdays and swimming will be on Wednesdays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Please remember to read at home, practice times tables and complete your weekly CGP tasks.

Spring Term 3

What were The Arts like in the 60s?

Welcome back to Spring Term 3

This term, our topic is

Music and textiles

Focusing on the question:

What were The Arts like in the 60s?

During this topic we will be looking at texture, patterns and shapes with materials. As well as discussing the effects of musical elements on the sound and the listener. Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning how to write a biography.

PE will be on Tuesdays and swimming will be on Wednesdays as well as another PE lesson on Wednesdays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Please remember to read at home, practice times tables and complete your CGP books.

Autumn Term 2

Will I stay like this?

Welcome back to Autumn Term 2

This term, our topic is


 Properties and Changes of Materials

Focusing on the question:

Will I stay like this?

Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning to write an explanation text.

PE will be on Tuesdays and swimming will be on Wednesdays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Please remember to read at home and practice times tables.

Autumn Term 1

How did the Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings impact Britain?

Welcome back to Autumn Term 1

This term, our topic is


How did the Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings impact Britain?

We will be learning about who the Anglo-Saxons, Scots and Vikings were and the impacts we can see today from these settlers. Our topic will also link with our writing; in which we will be learning how to write persuasively.

PE will be on Mondays, Tuesdays and swimming will be on Wednesdays, so please come dressed for PE on those days.

Swimming will not start until week 2. On the swimming days please feel free to come dressed in your P.E kit.

Please remember to read at home and practice times tables.