Religious Education

Our curriculum Intent at Corsham Regis is embedded through developing knowledge and understanding of religious education through RE theme days and collective worship.

How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary

At Corsham Regis we encourage children to listen and respond appropriately to adults and their peers. To ask relevant questions to extend their understanding and build vocabulary and knowledge using sentence stems to support them articulating and justifying answers, arguments and opinions.  

We also encourage children to give well-structured descriptions and explanations whilst participating actively in collaborative conversations using spoken language to develop understanding. This is achieved through speculating, hypothesising, imagining and exploring ideas, as well as considering and evaluating different viewpoints, attending to and building on the contributions of others.

About Corsham and their local area

Where possible we reflect the religious backgrounds represented in the Corsham community. We attend our local church to learn about Christian festivals and celebrations including singing hymns and celebrating the children’s learning. Collective worship Assemblies and RE themed days provide various opportunities including: sharing of common values, the opportunity to learn about other religions through their festivals and celebrations. We encourage participation and response through active involvement in activities to develop a community spirit, promote a common ethos and shared values and reinforce positive attitudes.

Through experiences inside and beyond the classroom

As an academy we provide the opportunity for pupils to consider spiritual and moral issues and provide opportunities for them to explore their own beliefs. We promote wider reading such as stories from different cultures and non-fiction books to play scripts. This links to the writing the children do.  Using the Discovery RE scheme of work, cross curricular links can be made with D&T, History, Art and Design, Geography and Music. From time to time, visitors will be invited to share their thoughts and beliefs.  

New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age

Discovery RE is a scheme of work that ensures the coverage of the National Curriculum is taught. This is delivered on a 2 year rolling programme which provides pupils with the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of others’ traditions and beliefs.

How to keep themselves safe

When using the internet to aid children’s learning, children are encouraged to search safely and use children friendly sites such as Swiggle. When religious visitors attend school, the content of their message is agreed to prevent the sharing of radical ideology.