Our Curriculum Intent for Physical Education at Corsham Regis
How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary
At Corsham Regis, we aim to deliver high-quality physical education which inspires all pupils to leave us physically literate and with the knowledge, skills and motivation necessary to equip them for a healthy, active lifestyle and lifelong participation in physical activity and sport. We understand that pupils need to be taught to use appropriate vocabulary in order to achieve this.
About Corsham and the local area
On occasions, our sports teams or classes of children are invited to compete or participate in Corsham cluster sports festivals or competitions. These take place in and around Corsham, for example Corsham Rugby and Cricket Club, The Corsham School, Stanley Park in Chippenham and the Springfield Campus.
Through experience inside and beyond the classroom.
Pupils experience physical education in our school hall, on our school playgrounds and on our school field. Swimming lessons take place in our local swimming pool, which can be found at the Springfield Campus.
New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age
The children are taught the National Curriculum for each year group with the Chris Quigley Milestones linking to their topic. This is split over a two year rolling program to ensure coverage and gives the children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills.
How to keep themselves safe
Physical Education lessons are risk assessed and children are taught how to engage in activities safely. They are expected to dress in appropriate PE kit and remove unsafe jewellery. Pupils in Years 5 &6 are also taught aspects of water safety as part of their swimming lessons.