Sports Premium

How we spend our additional PE funding.

Sporting events and achievements 2024-2024

Football Tournament

Ten fabulous footballers attended the Corsham Cluster Year 6 football tournament on Thursday 3rd October 2024 and were quite simply BRILLIANT! They played well and supported each other in some tough matches. Well done Team Regis!

Hockey Tournament

Ten Year 5 and 6 children went to The Corsham School for a hockey tournament on Thursday and despite the very cold temperatures, played 4 games winning 3 out of 4. They played exceptionally well and secured second place!

Sporting events and achievements 2023

Year 5 and 6 cricketers competed against other schools that won their cluster tournaments at Swindon Cricket Club.

Year 5 and 6 Cricket WINNERS competing against 5 local primaries at Corsham Cricket Club and through to the Wiltshire Schools finals!

Teambuilding and problem solving Year 4 at the Corsham School, cluster event

Netball WINNERS out of 5 other local primary schools. The event was held at the Corsham School

Dance workshop for years 3,4 and 5 at The Corsham School. The children performed a routine that they had learnt to their parents and carers

WINNERS November 2022

Our sporting achievements in 2021-2022 included:
– Year 5 and 6 Corsham Cricket runners up

-Fairplay trophy for Football

Corsham Regis visit the Rec to watch Bath Vs Sale Sharks Rugby as part of our partnership with Bath RFC…

-Children from across the school running the length of the county (virtually) to raise money for the school. See our Friends of Regis page for more information.

– Unfortunately, the Sports Crew couldn’t happen this year (20/21) due to Covid-19 restrictions but we hope to resume this in 21/22- providing pupil voice on PE, pupil leadership of PE and whole school presentations to the school on healthy living.

– Positive PE mentoring
– Attendance at cluster PE events.

Children able to compete in local inter-school competitions this year has been limited. However, we are extremely proud of all our pupils for their dedication to all aspects of school sport, including those young volunteers, leaders and officials who made our competitions possible.

Mrs Abby Symons

Headteacher and PE Leader

Corsham Cluster events and participation

Year 6 at Corsham Cluster Hockey Tournament January 2022

Year 5 and 6 Cricket festival at Corsham Cricket club 1/7/21

Code of Conduct for pupils, staff and parents at Corsham Cluster sporting events and competitions.