Our Curriculum intent at Corsham Regis is embedded in the working scientifically skills and the subject specific knowledge that we teach the children across both Key Stages.
How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary
In their science lessons, the children are encouraged to use technical scientific vocabulary. This high-quality vocabulary is modelled and explained by the teacher and then drip fed into the children’s language. During science lessons children are given opportunities to talk about their learning, in pairs, groups or individually. Open-ended questioning and language scaffolds are used to challenge the children to think more critically and develop their command of English. Scientific vocab is displayed through topic boards and is provided for parents on the topic webs and the ‘chatter topics’ online. It might also be taught explicitly through Reading lessons to ensure children are confident in using the new vocabulary.
About Corsham and the local area
Where possible, teachers embed the children’s learning through the different cross curricular topics. Examples might include learning about the geology, flora and fauna of their local area or observing minibeasts in the local habitats around school. Links are also made with other subjects such as DT. For example, while learning about the SS Great Britain children explored their local environment while also developing scientific, technological and historical knowledge.
Through experience inside and beyond the classroom
Children are encouraged to learn outside, particularly in FS2 and Year 1. The school allotment is used to support children’s knowledge and understanding of plants and nature. They also develop an interest in the natural world through outdoor learning in FS2 which helps them with the jump to the National Curriculum objectives. School trips that link with the science topic are arranged when possible and when appropriate to enrich the children’s learning.
New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age
The children are taught the National Curriculum appropriate to their age and key stage. The rolling curriculum programme ensures that Milestones 1, 2 and 3 from Chris Quigley’s Essentials resource are taught on an alternating basis over Years A and B. Working Scientifically skills are taught alongside each science topic and are threaded through the children’s learning.
Topics are planned so that there is a clear progression in the level of challenge and depth as children get older. For example, Animals and Habitats in KS1 through to Evolution and Inheritance in UKS2.
How to keep themselves safe
When using the internet to access science resources, children are encouraged to search safely and use child friendly sites such as Swiggle. During lessons, children have access to a wide range of resources to support their learning and are taught to use equipment safely. When conducting scientific experiments, children are taught the importance of using whatever resources are provided safely from an early age. Staff are vigilant in preparing risk assessments prior to any out of the ordinary or off-site learning.