Mental health and wellbeing: information for parents and carers

Dear Parents and Carers,

This year, as part of my role as Mental Health Champion at Regis, I have been working with Clare Laker from the Charlie Waller Memorial Trust. The trust is dedicated to improving the mental health of children in the UK. Part of the work Clare and I have been doing is about how best to support children coming into school in the morning and set them up for effective learning.

Following on from this, we have come up with a range of activities and are hoping to foster the children’s independence by encouraging them to choose from these activities depending on how they are feeling.

We will continue to offer mindful movements and yoga, but these will no longer take place in the hall and will be in the classrooms instead. Alongside this, children will be able to select from the following list:

  • Reading
    for Pleasure
  • Free-writing
    (subject and genre of their choice)
  • Maths
  • Rainbow
    Write of Common Exception Words.
  • Mindful

In Jade class, children will continue to choose activities at tables but will also have a mindful movements or yoga activity available.

Mrs Sarah Harris

PSHE and Well-being leader

Corsham Regis Primary School takes the emotional health and wellbeing of every child  seriously.  We believe that the school can help pupils build resilience and support them to be mentally healthy.  Our mental health and wellbeing policy sets out how we do this. This is available upon request from the main office.

We all have ups and downs in life but in childhood it can be particularly hard to cope with sad feelings and worries that arise when things are hard or scary.   There may be times when your child is unhappy or struggling emotionally. You may notice that they seem low or worried or that their behaviour changes.   We may notice that they seem withdrawn or upset at school.

If you are worried about your child’s mental health then you are not alone.  Many parents and carers have similar worries and stresses.  There is good support available from local and national organisations.  The sooner you seek help the better for your child and you. 

Local sources of support:

  • Corsham Regis:

Talk to us about your concerns so that we can work together to help your child feel better.  Start off by talking to your child’s class teacher.

  • Your GP:

A GP can check any physical symptoms linked to your child’s health and talk with you about their emotional well-being making a referral to a specialist service if necessary

  • The School Nurse:

Parents/carers can contact the School Nurse Service at any time for advice and support for their child relating to healthy lifestyle, toileting, emotional/behavioural issues etc.  For more information visit the Wiltshire School Nurse website aged 11 – 18 years, the School Nursing Services also offers a mobile phone support service called Chathealth

  • Child and Adolescent Mental Health Service  (CAMHS):

CAMHS is a free NHS service that assesses and treats 0-18 year olds with emotional, behavioural or mental health difficulties.  For more information including referrals see the Wiltshire CAMHS website  

  • The Wiltshire On Your Mind
    web based service provides information for parents/carers on a range of
    subjects relating to mental health and wellbeing. 
  • Children
    and young people aged 11 and over are also able to access support themselves
    from Wiltshire Kooth.  This provides links
    to advice as well as online counselling

Websites that offer information and advice

The following organisations provide reliable information and advice to help parent/carers to support their child when experiencing emotional difficulties:-

Young Minds: – Help for Parents Information about all aspects of child mental health, including a Parent Helpline 0800 802 5544

You’re Never too Young to Talk Mental Health – leaflet for parent/carers of primary aged children

Mental Health Problems in Children and Young People: guidance for parents & carers –  leaflet for parent/carers with older children

Childline Lots of information and tips for children of all ages about feelings and difficult situations

Minded for Families  Free learning resource about mental health for parents and carers

Happy Maps  Lots of information about health topics including mental health, organised under different age groups i.e under 5’s primary age, secondary age, young adults.

Looking after your own mental health

In order to support your child, you need to stay strong and well yourself. It isn’t easy being a parent especially when you are experiencing problems of your own such as relationship difficulties, money worries, problems with work.  Often it helps to talk to someone, so don’t be scared about doing this, with friends, family, your GP or a support service.  The following organisations can also offer information and advice to help you.

Corsham Town Council provides links to local services and groups

Wilshire Council Mental Health Support provides information about ways to stay well and local sources of support

The Samaritans – 24 hour free and confidential listening service

Agencies and services to support
parents and carers in vulnerable situations

Domestic Abuse

  • Women’s
    domestic abuse and where you can get help
  •  SPLITZ Support for victims of domestic violence
  • National Domestic Violence Helpline 0808 2000
  • Men’s Advice Line (for male victims of domestic
    abuse) 0808 801 0327

Financial Worries and Debt

  • Citizens’ Advice Bureau – Offices in Chippenham and Melksham.
    Contact 08443 752775 or. mobile only, 0300 456 8375. 
  • Step Change  National debt
    charity providing practical advice and support

Food banks



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