
Progression in mathematics

Our Curriculum intent at Corsham Regis is embedded in the mathematics that we teach our children.

How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary

In mathematics, the children are taught using the mastery approach to learning, which actively encourages and promotes pupil interaction and mathematical talk, in pairs, groups and with the teacher. During every lesson children are given opportunities to talk about their learning; their approaches and explain their methodology. Pupil talk and use of vocabulary is supported by the use of classroom working walls, which display key vocabulary for each lesson being taught and support the children by providing, where appropriate sentence stems to enable all children to gain confidence when talking about their learning.

See sentence stems appendix 1

See vocabulary maths appendix 2

About Corsham and the local area

Where possible, teachers embed the children’s learning through the different cross curricular topics. Examples include: the children using and applying their knowledge of measure to make and collect data from rain gauges for the topic on ‘The Geography of Corsham’, linked to the study of climate zones and weather. In year 4, the children are taught Roman Numerals alongside their history work all about the Roman Baths, in Bath. In Year 1, work on statistics includes the children creating bar graphs about their favourite shops in Corsham. All pupils also use the language associated with position and direction when looking at maps of the local area.

Through experience inside and beyond the classroom

Children are encouraged to learn outside, particularly in FS2 and Year 1. Termly, the whole school takes part in a problem solving day. These are held outside, using the school grounds and involve the children working in groups to solve problems using large scale resources. The emphasis is to promote enjoyment for mathematics, whilst using and applying mathematical skills to a wide range of different problem solving challenges.

New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age

The children are taught the National Curriculum for each year group. The order in which topics are taught is decided by careful question level analysis, from PiXL tests, to identify gaps in the children’s understanding. Sequences of learning are planned using The White Rose Hub scheme of work and understanding embedded before moving on.

How to keep themselves safe

When using the internet to access mathematics resources, children are encouraged to search safely and use child friendly sites such as Swiggle. Children are also taught the importance of keeping their personal information save, such as passwords and log in details for their maths accounts. During lessons, children have access to a wide range of concrete resources to support their learning and are taught to use equipment safely.


Mathematic vocabulary

Supporting videos

Typical working walls in classrooms to support learning

Calculation policy

Resources to help you support your child with Mathematics at home