Our Curriculum Intent at Corsham Regis is embedded through developing Art and Design skills through termly topics to develop a secure understanding and enjoyment.
How to communicate using appropriate vocabulary
Children are encouraged to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and communicate their thoughts and to be able to record visually, feelings about the environment and place in which we live. Children will also learn about artists, craft makers and designers and evaluate and analyse their work using the language of art. As they progress, they are encouraged to extend ideas and become more discriminating in their choice of materials and attention to detail and understand the historical and cultural development of their art forms.
See Art sentences stems
About Corsham and the local area
Where possible, teachers embed the children’s learning through the different cross curricular topics. Examples include, exploring Roman mosaics linking with Bath, Exploring the Art work at Corsham Court and. Links are made with reading and writing to further develop their knowledge and understanding of the topic.
Through experience inside and beyond the classroom.
It is important that through exposure to a rich diversity of art, from different cultures, periods in history and contemporary artists, children can develop a greater understanding and appreciation of stimuli and techniques employed. Every term a profound learning opportunity, linked to the topic they are learning about, is planned for the children.
New knowledge and understanding appropriate to their age
The children are taught the National Curriculum for each year group with the Chris Quigley Milestones linking to their topic. This is split over a two year rolling program to ensure coverage and gives the children the opportunity to deepen their knowledge and skills.
How to keep themselves safe
When using the internet as a resource to communicate, research and present Art and Design content, children are encouraged to search safely and use child friendly sites such as Swiggle. Children are encouraged to produce creative work, exploring their ideas and communicate their thoughts, perceptions, experiences and observations through a variety of 2-D and 3-D Art media, such as drawing, painting and sculpture. Activities are risk assessed and children are taught how to engage in activities safely.